Goal of the PRAXIS Study
We aim to empower Black women and birthing people to prevent pregnancy complications using strategies informed by their perspectives.
Expanding Knowledge
We want to understand perspectives of Black women and birthing people and prenatal providers on aspirin use in pregnancy as well as other medications and supplements.
Community-Rooted Research
Informed by research priorities of women of color at increased risk of preterm birth in Fresno, Oakland and San Francisco, the PRAXIS Study has also engaged community wisdom every step of the way.
Lead by Black Women
Our study team includes Black mothers, community leaders, prenatal providers, and researchers.

Every pregnant person deserves to have an empowering and safe pregnancy journey...


...however Black pregnant women and birthing people experience higher rates of many complications. One of these potential complications is preeclampsia- a pregnancy disease that results in high blood pressure and other potentially life-threatening consequences for both the mother and baby. 

Aspirin use in pregnancy has been found to decrease the risk of preeclampsia and other complications among certain pregnancy populations. Whether aspirin can decrease racial disparities is not yet unknown. It is also unclear how Black pregnant women and birthing people and prenatal care providers think race should be used to decide about aspirin use in pregnancy, if at all.

The PRAXIS Study is seeking out diverse perspectives around aspirin use to help inform strategies to end the unjust disparities and empower Black women and birthing people. 

Black woman taking pill while smiling


What is the PRAXIS Study?

The Pregnancy, Race, and Aspirin - eXploration of Individuals’ Stances (PRAXIS) Study is using online surveys and virtual interviews to learn about knowledge of and perspectives toward aspirin and other medication and supplement use in pregnancy among prenatal care providers and Black women and birthing persons. 

The overall goal of this research study is to promote health equity through the promotion of person-centered counseling and decision-making around medication and supplement use in pregnancy for Black women and birthing persons. 

Who can participate?

Black pregnant person and friend


Black women and birthing persons, you may be eligible if...

  • You self-identify as African American/Black
  • You live in the United States 
  • You are currently pregnant or delivered in past 12 months

learn more HERE!


Prenatal care providers (e.g., doctors, midwives, NPs), you may be eligible if...

  • You see prenatal patients independently (i.e., completed training excluding fellowships) 
  • You work in the United States 

You can also refer your prenatal patients! 


Provider with a diverse group of pregnant couples