About the PRAXIS Study
The Pregnancy, Race, and Aspirin - eXploration of Individuals’ Stances (PRAXIS) Study seeks to assess the knowledge of and perspectives toward aspirin and other medication and supplement use in pregnancy among prenatal care providers and Black women and birthing people. The overall goal of this research study is to promote health equity through the promotion of person-centered counseling and decision-making around medication and supplement use in pregnancy for Black women and birthing persons.
The PRAXIS Study is being done through the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Preterm Birth Initiative (PTBi), whose "mission is to eliminate racial disparities in preterm birth and improve health outcomes for babies born too soon, through research, partnerships and education grounded in community wisdom."
What does "praxis" mean?
According the Cambridge English dictionary, praxis is "the process of using a theory or something that you have learned in a practical way."*
The reason we choose to call our study "PRAXIS" is because we are seeking to understand if and how Black women and birthing people and prenatal providers use race to make decisions about aspirin and other interventions in obstetric care.
* Italics, underlining and bolding added for emphasis.
About the PRAXIS Study Team
We are a group of dedicated Bay Area-based community advocates, prenatal care providers, and researchers who believe in addressing the disparate health outcomes within their communities.